Joy Winner, established in 1984, is a professional manufacturer specialized in producing and designing various high quality ultrasonic pest repelling devices which are user-friendly and effective in driving away rodents, insects, fleas, birds, wild animals and many other pests in a safe and efficient way. All of our products are made in Taiwan. With our long-term experience, exclusive technology and leading innovation in this industry, we proudly guarantee the highest quality of our products and their remarkable effectiveness.
JWP-Series SUPER PEST REPELLERS, featuring a special adjustable ultrasonic frequency system, can be used to repel rats and insects effectively. The intensive ultrasounds (20~65kHz) attack rats’ and pests’ auditory and central nerve systems directly. At a place equipped with our repellers, the pests exposed to ultrasonic waves will be constantly annoyed. As reported by users and demonstrated by our experiments, affected pests usually pac... [